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Financial Institution Services

We offer various services to financial institutions including COMMERCIAL BANKS, SACCOs, MFIs, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PRIVATE FUNDS and PRIVATE WEALTH providers looking to provide capital and financial solutions to SMEs in Africa as follows:

  • Pipeline sourcing – sourcing of investment ready SMEs from our client database and our partner networks
  • De-risking structures– donor engagement for provision of Technical Assistance grant funding and potential de-risking structures
  • Fund Rationale – for private FUNDS, design of the fund rationale, theory of change & investment philosophy
  • Due Diligence– provide financial, commercial and technical due diligence services for private FUNDS
  • Technical Assistance – design and management of technical assistance programs to support both the portfolio companies and also enhance staff capacity in dealing with SME clients
  • Product Refinement & Repositioning – design of customer centric approaches to product refinement. This also includes repositioning the brand identity as regards the SME market
  • Impact Measurement Framework & Monitoring –develop impact measurement frameworks, including impact metrics (KPIs). Ongoing on the ground impact monitoring and reporting services on the impact of various products or solutions
  • Fund Management Services –  for private FUNDS, the services include design of fund flow structure, pre-disbursement assessments, capacity enhancement, fund disbursements, internal audit & review, quality assurance, accounting , fund replenishment, continuous funder liaison and management.